Saturday, September 24, 2011

Keep it in low voice...Shhh!

I hope you've read the last post and practice it and by now you should dominate those tricks. And now that you know the two and three letters words and that you're good on it I will still give you some other strategies you could follow to beat your opponents. Scrabble isn't a difficult game to win but you have to imagine and create to notice what words you have in your hands. So let me give you the next advice.

This step is about shuffle your rack of tiles. For what? Simple, if you mantain your seven tiles right there you probably will miss some words because you are taking some letters for granted. So it's better to shuffle them around your rack and that way you could notice if you have a new word. Of course when is not your turn and you can do this not one time but several. And look at all possible conbinations.

After you know how to shuffle without doing a mess with your tiles you can do this. Anticipate your moves, I mean, if you have a good word but you will use all your vowels don't use that word because maybe you won't get vowels in your next draw. So have a bigger vision of what you have in your rack and learn how to manage it. In the next post I'll give you more strategies.

Unknown. Scrabble Pages. 31 August 2011 <>.

1 comment:

  1. scrabble is a great game..i always wanted to join some scrabble club so that i could also enhance my knowledge and i could also familiarize some new words.

    Two letter scrabble words
