Saturday, September 24, 2011

Keep it in low voice...Shhh!

I hope you've read the last post and practice it and by now you should dominate those tricks. And now that you know the two and three letters words and that you're good on it I will still give you some other strategies you could follow to beat your opponents. Scrabble isn't a difficult game to win but you have to imagine and create to notice what words you have in your hands. So let me give you the next advice.

This step is about shuffle your rack of tiles. For what? Simple, if you mantain your seven tiles right there you probably will miss some words because you are taking some letters for granted. So it's better to shuffle them around your rack and that way you could notice if you have a new word. Of course when is not your turn and you can do this not one time but several. And look at all possible conbinations.

After you know how to shuffle without doing a mess with your tiles you can do this. Anticipate your moves, I mean, if you have a good word but you will use all your vowels don't use that word because maybe you won't get vowels in your next draw. So have a bigger vision of what you have in your rack and learn how to manage it. In the next post I'll give you more strategies.

Unknown. Scrabble Pages. 31 August 2011 <>.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Scrabble's Secret...Shh!

Okay, I will tell you some strategies to gain more points in Scrabble while you're playing so you can beat your opponents. As we all know this game does not depend only on the player but in the luck, because it depends on the letters that are assigned to you if you will have a good or a bad puntiaction. But here are some tricks for you to take advantage from the others, just don't tell everybody.

-The first one is with two letters, in case you have no words to make, you can choose a word with two letters, it's simple and easy for everybody to undestand, and by this you will gain some points that you didn't have before. And it also help you to not help your opponent by not letting the board full of letters to him. In the scrabble dictionary there are lots of it and its important to know how to work with it because it will help you gain lots of points and beat your opponents.
-After, comes the words with three letters, this ones are not as much important as the two letters are, so you hace to learn how to move with two letter words before you move to this ones.This ones are less important because it's harder to find them where to fit, instead of the last ones. But you can gain even more points.

So, by now the lesson is, learn the words with two letters and when you have dominated them, you can work with the ones with three letters. Notice that these strategies won't make you the best player, but in the next post I'll put more strategies and ways to beat your opponents. So, be prepared and try to learn the strategies I told you today and your skills will imporve for the next post.

Unknown. Scrabble Pages. 31 August 2011 <>.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

World Championship 2010

Believe it or not, there's a international championship of the best Scrabble players of the world. It's unbelieveble how a simple game can have so much succes. Every year the world championship of scrabble takes place in different places of the world. The last year tooked place in Dallas, TX. In August 13 of 2010. There are some steps you have to follow before becoming a participant. First, you have to register to be on the list, it is a online registration, but you have to be a NASPA member, otherwise you couldn't get your registration, and that membership has a cost. Once you're on the players list, you could attend to the National Scrabble Championship. The competition duration is around 4 days, aproximately. And of course for the winners there are prizes, the first place won $3,000, second $1,000, third $500. I think is great that people have interests in games like this that help to improve your gramar and knowledge and are fun at the same time.

Unknown. NASPA. 18 August 2010. 23 August 2011 <>.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scrabble's Past..

I'm about to tell you who created Scrabble, the crossword game, and when it was created. The inventor of this amazing game is named, Alfred Mosher Butts, who died when he was 93. He created himself the first game and played it with his wife and friends, tells the New York Times. The first edition of the game Scrabble® came out to the market in 1948, but his name haven't always been Scrabble, before that edition, the cross word game, was named CRISS CROSS WORDS and the table board game and the letter pieces were created by Mr. Butts. Of course Scrabble® haven't been always that famous, when it first came out to market it had no success, and the investors were losing their money. But a few years latter this game became a super succesfull game and by now it is almost a tradition in America. Almost everyone has at least one edition of Scrabble® at their homes. And by now the name of this game is, Scrabble® Brand Crossword Game.

Unknown. National Scrabble Association . 16 August 2011 <>.